Monday, August 9, 2021

The University Library in collaboration with Faculty of Health Sciences has acquired the Up-to-Date database on Health Sciences.

The database aims to enhance access and uptake of the latest clinical evidence among future health care providers for better patient care. The database is supported by Ariadne Labs, a center for health systems innovation parented by the Harvard School of Public Health and the Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

To access the database, please follow the steps below:

  1. Visit while connected to the University's internet
  2. Check the upper right hand corner, there should be a button that says "Register". Ensure that you are on the institution's internet, and logged out of your personal Up-To-Date account if you have one.
  3. Click "Register" fill out the form and submit. Then "Accept" the License Agreement and “Search Dialog box" appears for one to do various searches. The UpToDate database covers ‘what is new’ in the following areas;
  1. If "Register" link is not showing up, there may be a problem with the IP address connection - let us know using the following email: