The Institute for Climate Change and Adaptation, College of Biological and Physical Sciences, invites you to a webinar titled: ‘A Crisis of Climate or Choice? Risks and response to improving water security for the poor.’

The lecture is on the climate crisis from the perspective of social choices in rural Africa and Asia. We situate the discussion in terms of the risks and responses people face in their lives and livelihoods at home, work and school. Drawing upon inter-disciplinary research with practitioners in multiple countries, we review multi-decadal data which provides insights into the structural inequalities which constrain the daily chores of rural people. A legacy of well-meaning but poorly executed policy and investments demand new thinking in allocating water security risks and responsibilities between communities, markets and states. We discuss emerging responses including the launch of performance based funding for rural water services for over one million people in the Central African Republic, Burkina Faso, Kenya and Uganda.

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Tuesday, December 8, 2020 - 4:00pm