Thursday, July 18, 2024

UoN through the Directorate of Advancement and the Institute for Climate Change and Adaptation (ICCA) opened the first edition of a two-week African Summer School Program Summer School Program at the Chiromo Campus on July 1-12, 2024. The program attracted 31 undergraduate and graduate students from Rwanda, Nigeria, France, and mostly Kenya.

The program focused on teaching and sensitizing the students on the different concepts of Nature-Based Solutions & Adaptation Pathways. The summer School was characterized by lectures, group projects, a company forum, field visits

The group projects were facilitated by the ICCA team where each student team developed a project on a different topic using the concepts covered in class and were expected to present on the last day.

There was an insightful company forum facilitated by the Industry partners which include Total Energies, Schneider, Holcim, Geothermal Development Company and Global Center on Adaptation, field visit to UN offices and Wangari Maathai Institute for Peace and Environmental Studies.

On his part, The Director of Advancement, Mr. Brian Ouma said, “We are now with a most educated and knowledgeable generation. With this generation, let us treat the current Climate Change challenges as an opportunity to innovate, resolve issues, and do something better for our world to be more adaptive and sustainable,” Therefore the change begins with each one of us present here today.”

The program aimed to help the students develop their critical- thinking and creativity using data and notions to create a network with international experts and students and learn about the East African region, its history, and culture.

The African Summer School Program was partially sponsored by the French Embassy in Kenya and the Afretec Network

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